The Philadelphia Children’s Alliance assigns each child a caring, experienced Victim Advocate to walk them and their non-offending caregiver through the process.
While the child is talking with one of our Forensic Interviewers, the non-offending caregiver meets with the child’s Victim Advocate, who assesses the family’s needs, provides crisis counseling and education about the investigative process, and offers referrals for medical or mental health attention and support groups.
The Victim Advocate is the point of contact for the family throughout the investigation which can last many months, or even several years. The Victim Advocate will monitor the case, provide referrals, and answer questions for the child and their non-offending caregiver. If the case goes to court, the Victim Advocate will offer court accompaniment to the family—sometimes providing the only friendly face in the courtroom.
For victims and their families, a PCA Victim Advocate is always just a phone call away.